Sobota, 5 października 2024 ENGLISH VERSION
"Powinniśmy postawić się na miejscu podmiotu, który próbuje odnaleźć drogę swojego życia na tym świecie , a przede wszystkim powinniśmy pamiętać, że to otoczenie pod którego jest wpływem i do którego się dostosowuje, stanowi jego Świat, a nie obiektywny Świat nauki."

W.I. Thomas
F. Znaniecki

Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej
Tom II Numer 1

Author - Supplied Abstracts and Keywords

  Barbara Fatyga
       Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polska
      Przemysław Zieliński
       Politechnika Warszawska, Polska

Tempus Fugit. Time Metaphors Analysis. A Methodological Approach.

The article presents the method of the qualitative analysis of biographical narrative interviews designed by the authors. Its theory is embedded in the cognitive theory of conceptual metaphor developped by George Lakoff and concepts used in chronosophic theories. The means of extracting the metaphoric layers in the text and its reconstruction into the pyramidal structure used for the analysis of oral expressions of time reveal the interpretative potentiality of qualitative methodology. The metaphorization of such a hard phenomenon to conceptualize, i.e. time, is analyzed on three main levels of the source domain: simple metaphorical expressions, sentences and sequences. The fourth level, the target domain, being the peak of the pyramid, organizes textual metametaphors (conceptual metaphor) reconstructed by the researchers. The interviews, the basic data for the research, were conducted between 1989 and 1992 among the leaders of several youth organisations, groups and movements, as well as youth arms of political parties. The analysis shows the potentiality of the methods used in the research in the process of creating the interpretation, which would be intersubjectively verifiable. The outcome contains the ways of comprehension and using temporal constructs, such as time of biography, social times, public times, environmental and private times.

Qualitative analysis, interpretation, metaphor, extracting the metaphoric layers, pyramid reconstruction, types of metaphor, metaphor veihicle, metaphorical frame, mapping, conceptual metaphor, temporal typologies, temporal orientations.
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  Magdalena Dudkiewicz
       Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polska

Application of Analysis of Semantic Fields and Analysis of Glosses to Present the Way of Social World's Perception.

The article presents methodology used by the author to analyse results of the study conducted for PhD dissertation "Employees of Polish Non-governmental Organisations and their Public Self-awareness". The aim of the study was to reveal the social world vision of people actively committed to Polish the third sector activity. The two methods are presented: the basic methodology applied was the "analysis of semantic fields" (including some modifications in compare to the scheme used by Regine Robin) and - as a supplementary method - the analysis of glosses. The results of these analysis presented in the article comprise of conclusions both positive and negative the respondents' opinions about specific elements of social world and marked borders of centre and periphery of social world in the given types of organisations.

Non-governmental organizations; civil society; public self-awareness; the grounded theory; analysis of semantic fields (equivalents, opposites, associations, attributes, activities of the subject, and activities on the subject); glossa, social movement; opposition: centre and periphery of the social world; public sector; local community; beneficiaries; social care; public activity; public engagement.
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  Barbara Jabłońska
       Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Polska

Critical Discourse Analysis - theoretical and methodological remarks

The main goal of the paper is to point out at a critical discourse analysis (CDA) that is not very popular method of investigating communication features among Polish researchers. The best known representative of such method in Europe is Professor Teun van Dijk from Holland, who set up international periodic like "Text" and "Discourse and Society". The task of this paper is not only to present basic methodological objectives but also to show it in a wider theoretical background, regarding Jürgen Habermas, Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu social thought. What is more, the article shows in general how to implement the CDA to mass-media research.

Critical discourse analysis (CDA), text and utterance, communicative act, ideal communicative situation, discursive power and domination, context and process of discourse mass-media.
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  Piotr Chomczyński
       Uniwersytet Łódzki, Polska

Some ethical problems of research. A covert participant observation.

The main problem presented in this article is the ethical aspect of covert participant observation. This kind of observation was carried by author in one of factories producing refrigerators and cookers. The ethical dilemmas described in this paper were real consequences of researcher's functioning in dual, mutually exclusive roles. These roles were rooted in completely different social worlds - academic and factory that in some circumstances interacted each other. In spite of the fact that problems touched in this paper are identified with covert participatory observation, majority of them are also relevant to other types of social researches where "objects" are completely or only to some extent deceived.

A covert participant observation, qualitative methods, ethics in research, a methodology of social research, methods and techniques of social research, field methods.
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  Dominika Byczkowska
       Uniwersytet Łódzki, Polska

Physicians' professional solidarity as an effect of an anticipatory socialization.

The article presents conclusions of a field study conducted by using qualitative methods of research and grounded theory procedures of analizing data. There are presented in the article elements and mechanisms of constructing and supporting physicians' professional solidarity completed during the process of education in medical school. The elements are: techniques of neutralization, technical language, professional knowledge and not-real-knowledge, time monopolization, group values, self-control, patterns of supporting own social group and participation in rites of passage and intergration.

Professional solidarity, techniques of neutralization, rites of passage, rites of integration, professional groups, group values, time monopolization.
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